I’ve never known a god, I don’t even know if god is real. Church choirs sing the hymns, Pastors preach the bible, But there’s so many of them. Written. Rewritten. It’s like the game, Telephone, We played when we Were little kids. The teacher would whisper A sentence into whoever’s Ear was to her left or right, And around the circle it would go, Reaching whoever was last. Then they would spew out The wrong sentence like a geyser That held words rather than water, And we’d all laugh because we Know that it isn’t right. The teacher would Tell us what she said, Then we’d all be upset. That’s not what I heard. We’d all think. And just like Telephone, All those rewritten Bibles must’ve gotten Something wrong Along the way. So why am I supposed To believe Historical inaccuracies About a man that Is allegedly omniscient, Supposedly righteous, And theoretically loving of all? Right now though, With your hand on my face, I can see now why people Hope for a heaven And a god And just someone to believe in Because I can feel All those things running through Your fingertips.