for those with the ghastly skill of being alone amid crowds of people lost in thought but ok inside
for those who see streaks of madness fly round, illume patterns/puzzles grasping scales celestial to infinitesimal
for those playing games with reality snogging smug wealthy boys in stairwells oxygen bonds breaking the sublime
for those forgotten under dirt, asphalt & spot buried dates and dashes no splashes of memory just naked nihilistic Precambrian bones
for those nameless from identity crises smiling glibly through missing teeth embarrassed by circumstance and the folly of age
for those trapped in jaunty youthful frames lacking mind's dessert: veneration (contradiction)--still wisdom perilously choked plus feared
for those chanceless beings fate sweeps & sooner snips chuckling at theodicies while they still can some soothed by snake oil--I mean Purpose-- then just dying
and we're still uplifted? we are still star-seekers. we, divorced from form and aching for the sky's response hear nothing, but we know