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Jan 2014
It was a night of simple frolicking,
we ate worms & danced
Grand Funk,
choo-chooed on tequila.

The room swirled,
I was the engine,
you the coal-car
fed me the vibes,
as we circled,
spinning serpentine
through the juiced-crowd
of Don Armando revelers.

We escaped for fresh air,
stole a quick swim
under the entire universe,
embraced like drunken-lovers.

I traced your face with warm kisses,
felt your body pressed
into mine like a glove.
The stars above
twinkled brighter,
you did not fight
my entry nor your resolve,
as we evolved into a tidal wave.
I bled my soul into you,
you saved every drop.

Later, we skinny-dipped
in the shower-bank,
listening to the others
washing away their own salt,
playing & moaning,
savoring their own souls &
collecting drops.
Jonny Angel
Written by
Jonny Angel  GRB090423
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