Go ahead. Remind me how much you love me How much I mean to you. How much you know I can change. I would just love to hear your lies.
Or you can Yell and scream Tell me I'm fat Tell me I'm selfish Try to diagnose me every time I ***** up. I would not be surprised.
Criticize me, I dare you. It would not be the first time And it certainly will not be the last. Am I ruining your idea Of a "perfect family"? I hope I have sent it to its grave.
I wish you knew what you did to your child. You made her afraid to open her mouth Due to her fear of judgement. There is no question That you have played a role in her depression As well as her eating disorder. You have made her feel worthless. You have made her feel like nothing but a number. You have created a girl who is obsessed with perfection. And the worst part is, You don't even understand how bad it has gotten.
You do not know what I have been through. A friend took advantage of me in a major way While I was not in a proper state of mind. But you would say that I should have been more careful, That I should not have been sneaking around in the first place. I wish I could tell you That some days I just want to rip my skin off of my bones Because I feel gross.
What he did to me was wrong, But you would not see it that way. I have a hard time convincing myself of the fact That this should not have happened. It is difficult for me not to blame myself Or not to shut down Because those who I have told continue to tell me I am overreacting Or that I did something to lead him on. I fear that you would do the same.
All I want Is for you to say that I am alright For once in my life. I wish you would compliment me Or tell me that you're proud So maybe I could start to believe it, too.
Yes, your younger daughter is the perfect kid. And we have both been brought up the same way. But she has not had the experiences that I have had. It is not fair for you to compare the two of us As if I do not do it enough already.
So what can I say? If I am going to drown, Then let me drown. Or if you can stand up on your own Take responsibility for your role in this Throw me a lifeline, Then maybe I can be okay. Maybe I can escape this cycle of destruction.