On my first ever date with my very first girlfriend my Dad played a song I do not remember the name of it but I remember the chorus, probably because he sang along. It was the most embarrassing thing sitting in the back seat, holding hands, and watching my Dad squirm around to the beat singing "If you like my body and you think I'm ****, just reach out and..." I wanted to die. She laughed and told me my Dad was funny.
That night taught me something, as embarrassing as my Dad can be, and as irritating as he can get, even though I ignore his jokes 80 percent of the time because I've heard them all a million times. My Dad is funny, and I don't think I ever want to be with someone who can't see that.
Even though he is unable to see at all in the dark, has never quit smoking, can't seem to correctly button a shirt and has worn loafers, for as long as I can remember, he is a good guy. He has odd taste in music and he's a morning person, but overall I wouldn't trade him in.
He's a quiet guy. My Dad opens up to me when we go on long car rides, we sing stupid songs and tell each other jokes and we have conversations. This is why my Dad is perfectly welcome on any of my dates. Just to drop of us off, of course.