feminism isn't just burn your bras and let your leg hair grow it's standing up and recognizing that gender inequality exists and we love to slip it under the rug because women are allowed to do things like rid themselves of unwanted pregnancies and men expect that to be enough they expect that because we get control over our own bodies that we're equal simple rights allotted to human beings are given to us and we're supposed to throw a ******* parade? Pat Robertson said "the feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, **** their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." and what I don't get it is how people pretend like this sexist ******* doesn't exist I'm not saying all feminists are right but I know for a fact all sexists are wrong and I don't mean to go left but Just because I want to be able to have control over my own body and have equal opportunity in the work place and not have to wear makeup and do my hair and shave my legs does not mean that I'm an evil lesbian baby killing husband leaving capitalism destroying witch I can promote women's rights and be a mother and a wife you can promote women's rights and be a mother and a wife and men who believe that feminists are just a bunch of ******* with hairy legs and heavy hearts are sadly mistaken we as women carry a substantial undeniable and unbearable burden for being something that we didn't ask to be I can't walk outta my house after dusk without praying that I don't get ***** I can't show skin because I'd be asking for it I can't even mention *** without being a ****** ***** I can't walk into an interview without having to work twice as hard against male competitors I can't cry without being needy and over emotional I can't embrace the beauty that god gave me without makeup without being plain and low maintenance I can't say that things aren't equal and that double standards are in place without being an evil lesbian baby killing husband leaving capitalism destroying witch and you think things are fair? just because we've left the kids and the kitchen from 9-5 does not mean we've entered equality because guess what we all personally know at least 5 mothers who go out and work just as hard and just as good as men do and still go home and take care of their children and their household so basically men want a pat on the back for doubling the work load? and I'm not a woman who does not recognize that there are double standards in place for men they can't tell another man he looks good or be emotional or sensitive without being gay what but men don't get is I can't be alone on the street without a whistle or a cat call I would rather tolerate what they have to women are forced to spend every waking moment outside of their homes worrying that they might get ***** or assaulted or drugged and ******* or brought into *** slavery maybe I'm paranoid or maybe you just don't get that women are being ***** in their homes, teens are being roofied taken advantage of, and then slandered, 8 year old girls in Singapore are forced to have *** with multiple men a day or their families are murdered don't you realize, the burden we are given just for having an extra X chromosome men may be are stronger but women are stonger we carry worry and burden on our shoulders and still manage to be beautiful creatures we are not just **** and *** we are mothers and daughters and nieces and cousins and sisters and lovers and friends and businesswomen and nurses and doctors and soldiers and lawyers and teachers we've moved an inch with miles to go in the great words of Malcolm X "you don't stick a knife in a man's back 9 inches and then pull it out 6 inches and say you're making progress" you don't let women in the workplace but not give them the same treatment as male employees and call that equality I am black and I am a woman and whether whites or men like it I refuse to stop fighting for not only feminism but for progression