With my head in my hands, sitting next to tired friends, bending over a thousand books, giving each other annoyed looks, I hide my eyes from the teacher and fall asleep.
There's not one thing she says that doesn't make me want to rest, stifling warm air, none of this gets me to care, I hide myself from the teacher and fall asleep.
The more I stare at the clock, the more the hands tend to stop, as whole centuries go by, I slowly feel the urge to cry, my head is on the table and I fall asleep.
Wake up, I tell myself. She'll punish you! I said. Wake up, it's almost over. Wake up, the end comes closer. Wake up, you'll grab your coat, wake up, we're going home.
I wrote this while sitting in the most boring class ever. No motivation. I just had to do something, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to stay awake.