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Jan 2014
I gave this big speech to him about my time but really what’s the rush
In the back of my head this voice screams “YOU’RE NOT NEARLY GOOD ENOUGH”
In the front of my head I am pleasant, accepting everything as it comes
Delighting in music and dancing and doing what everyone else considers fun
In the back of my head I’m panicking and looking for some place to run
Hoping that one day somebody worthy will consider me “the one”
In the front of my head I’m simple, happy, and everything cool
Trying to make it in this big world and wandering my way around school
Here I am over-thinking like always do
I just wish I had someone to say “I love you” to
No one in particular and that’s the sad part, isn’t it.
I’m just yearning and yearning for happiness and love even if it’s just a little bit.
Madeja Stewart
Written by
Madeja Stewart  New York
(New York)   
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