As I stood here thinking I realized the things I couldn't be Taken by society's view I'm stuck wondering Who to believe? Am I going to be happy Am I pretty? I can't fight the things that run through my mind I'm alone and in love with the thought of being here and why is that kind of love more important than loving myself because I'm alone and freeing myself is the key to being myself. BEING MYSELF. Who am I being, who am I becoming. I fall with many and rise alone. ALONE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHY EVERYONE IS GONE This love shouldn't be stuck and ended because of the hatred I see trying to stop myself from becoming the enemy. I don't know how to breathe. I cant see. I cant feel I cant hear. I cant be. I'm still figuring out how life is suppose to work but my scars have become the thing I dread THE MOST. They become a sign. A sign of hurt. Pain. Disgust. Truth. They are my truth. The writhing pain I felt as I realized he was untrue. The pain I felt when I realize I'm alone stuck in the middle of society. BE YOURSELF. You are perfect alone. No one is perfect alone because we are judged alone. That girl reading her book. She has a smile that could light up a dark night. You'll never see. Society makes us believe we are who THEY say we need to be but when will the time come that I can just be me. Be Free.