I wish the world banana seats and ***** bars chariots of childhood transports to imaginary kingdoms erasers of boundaries freedom makers brother bonders vehicles of the delegates of peace a better way.
Bolted to a heavy metal frame of metallic green with ape hanger handlebars the playing cards clothes-pinned in spokes making siren noises with our mouths rope-lashed weapons aboard discovering creeks woods forbidden backyards and never-before-known games with barn side lumber and pop cans double-dog daring inedible things teasing girls riding to secret clubhouse meetings and the playground.
I wish the world our playground summers of innocence bottomless wells of laughter center of the universe June to September ages 8 to 18 bean bags and ringers tether ball - hand and paddle basketball and baseball and box hockey (where it was encouraged to give children axe handles and a softball to beat through holes in a 2 x 6 board defending a goal with their life and busted knuckles). We liked it that way. We lived as legends.
I wish the world a bike ride with friends ending at the playground. For there has never been a bad day on a banana seat.