I have this queer little problem Where my insides and outsides can't agree You like me and I want to hold your hand Yet I move my hand away from you so you don't think I'm trying anything I know you need a self confidence boost I want to tell you how cute you are sometimes But I'll keep quiet or say something sarcastic That beats down on you even more I want to flirt back with you cuz I like you But I'll shrug you off Roll my eyes Scoff Because my inside-to-outside is broken And I think Just maybe Dear To fix it I'll need your love. So know this next time I hurt you When I distance myself I just want you to hold me. When I say something rude I can't handle how perfect you are right now. When I shrug you off I just wanted to flirt back with you I know I'm a mess of emotion Like a leftover bag full of scraps But the one thing dear Though I don't show it I love you. To have you know it Its all I try to do.