I'm pretty sure I can feel you're lips Like a thousands mile per hour kiss. The air I touch feels like your skin. And I swear I think I can hear you whisper my name. I can feel the snow that you're driving through And the burn from the frozen wind is scalding my skin. Any second you will walk through our door. Any minute you'll grab me and throw me against the wall. I love to see you smile. in you're eyes I can see everything. The future twinkles and I'm always in a daze. I'm always in a daydream. The butterflys are eating me from within. I need to stop and remember to breathe. You're my dream. I can feel it in me. I can, I swear I can. I will disturb the universe. I will cross mountains I will burn trees I will go to you and fight everything. Everything will be dark and beautiful. Every day will be unforgettable. Every fight will be enjoyable. Every hug so meaningful Every moment we'll be useful. I can't wait any longer. I can't eat. I love you.