2013 Has made me feel like a survivor 365 days of complete life And whether or not they consisted of happiness doesn't really matter Because all you can do is try and prepare yourself for everything that will either **** you or make you stronger I've seen it all this year Everything from the ocean to the death of someone I loved One made me feel like there is more out there in this world And the other made me realize that love lives in the people that mean the most to you And every year that passes is a reminder that we are all searching for something I always made a resolution but never accomplished it I want to be happy in 2014 Not the kind where I break out into song and dance But the kind where I look back and smile The kind where I know that everything will change Because I will know that the power is in my hands 2013 Helped me cope with everything I didn't want to talk about Revealed my true ambition to help out And the loss of my uncle put things into perspective You can overcome everything with a collective amount of faith and love I might have struggled more than I succeeded But I like to think that every obstacle I overcame was an accomplishment My best friend helped me realize that I can't be happy unless I'm satisfied with the good, bad, and the ugly And knowing she had my back made every obstacle into a small hurdle And the only thing stopping me was myself 2013 Showed me that not every year will be perfect But you can have perfect moments 2014 Will be full of perfect moments I know who I am And where I'm going And life isn't about reaching a certain destination Its about making little stops along the way And seeing what's around you