Words are so incredibly powerful complete strangers can make each other feel so loved or so hated A few simple words can make or destroy someones Day someones mood someones self esteem And what do we do with this power? We tear each other down
In 2014, let's try something new Let's use words in such a way to build other up To make sure that people know they are loved Let's leave hate and anguish in 2013 It's simple really Be kind to those you don't know Be kind to those you love Be kind to those who have been nothing but hateful towards you. Let's work on ourselves. Let's be lovely- together
It breaks my heart to see all the hate and drama that happens everyday, all almost always it started with someone who was maybe having a bad day, so they were unkind to another- which put that person in a bad mood and it's just a cycle of hate and anger that keeps going. Let's try and fix that this year.