while this left handed wind scribbles in my head the chatter it has with the cold marble a hard mute sound that i cannot comprehend i gather myself with one hand and delve into this beast with a rabid twist of the inked hand but even as the words fall one by one to the page formingΒ its neat teeth the capture device falters and the poem shatters like a frail mind its remainders are a mad little creature not some graceful dove and this mad little creature cavorts across both mind and page with a trail of blood and pain with a trail of closing doors and silent accusations in eyes only imagined this mad little creature now vaults to the aperture between you and I screams out to the listening world not i...do you hear me...not i the child of dawn isn't the wanderer of night captivated by the moons silent slide in cosmic wheel the dew eyed stranger at dawn is a manufacture of thought not i not i