I can see it in your eyes The fear of getting too close You hide it well With your playful smile and gentle touches You convince people that you’re okay But I can see that you’re not I can smell it You shine like the sun But the sun is destined to burn out, right? You know it, too You try and hold off your destruction By shutting people out But that won’t help I know you’ve been hurt Abandoned by the ones you love Left to figure things out on your own But don’t hide behind your strength Let it define you I know you’re afraid That the blackness inside of you Will scare everyone away But the ones that stay Are the ones that count You’ve been left alone before, I know But you can’t expect Every new man in your life to do the same Some will, I can’t deny that But you will never find the man who will stick around If you don’t allow yourself to see him Lift your head up, sweetheart Wipe your tears Shed your fears And let everyone see the light in you I promise that it will outshine the darkness What do I know, right? I’m just a teenager But don’t let outward appearances fool you Because somewhere hidden To the naked eye Are the same secrets and scars That you see branded on your skin And if you take the chance To look close enough You’ll see mine, too