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Dec 2013
Life is like a steel chain bracelet.

Life is limited in the number of years you have,
like the number of links around your wrist.

It locks you in a continuous circle od hard choices,
That may hurt,
And allows you to be come stronger and tougher,
Like the skin on your wrist.

Even though this bracelet shows the harder things in life,
It also shows the better things in life as well.

Life is full of ups and downs,
That change your life,
Like the shadow of the bracelet on a wall.

Life is a circle that isn't complete,
'Til you die,
Due to thought and memory.

You were a thought in your parents mind,
Before you were born,
And when you die,
You leave behind,
Thoughts and memories in people's minds,
That last forever in a continuous circle,
Like the bracelet wrapped around your wrist.
Matthew Miklavcic
Written by
Matthew Miklavcic  CIncinnati, Ohio
(CIncinnati, Ohio)   
   Mystery Girl and Riley Stuart
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