As a poet You would think I would live my life A bit more Poetically
Instead of Crashing And Burning With every move I make Causing natural disasters Every time My feet make contact with the soil
You would think That when I become intertwined With another human being Bells would chime And doves would take flight Instead of the ashes that form Right under my fingertips As the skin begins To disintegrate Crumbling to death Under my touch
You would think I walk on clouds And view life Solely as a metaphor For beauty and love
You would think I fall in love With the buds sprouting And the fawns grazing in the sunlight
You would think I embody the poetry Formed by my lips And live by the words I preach Instead of being Such a cynical hypocrite
You would think a poet Would be more in touch With the beauty in life Since we are so in touch With our emotions
Instead I sulk in the corners Capturing spider webs And finding beauty in that Perhaps I have made a connection With the wrong emotions How unfortunate.