It scares me when someone says It's always darkest before the dawn Then isn't it also Brightest before the night
Also the phrase That mightn't measure up: It gets better What if better isn't good enough?
I lose willpower with the cry "You can do it!" Over half of the time You most definitely cannot
Dear goodness, I don't like the phrase Kick back and relax It sounds as if someone has gone somewhere While all I recall is successfully breathing
And it pains me to hear Everybody starts as a beginner How come I'm the black sheep Who stays on beginner level
I dislike the word sure-fire Perhaps it means you will succeed But I lean more towards Certainly-burning in a pit of flames
Oh, I detest when people give the advice One step at a time That's very limiting If I follow those words
I also don't care for the motto Take a leap of faith It's not the greatest go-to When there's a monster waiting to catch you
To top it all, a Lion King song frightens the bejeebers out of me "Can you feel the love tonight. It is where we are." If there is no We can I feel it? And I know it's sung between lovers, but what if it's me and a stranger?
Ah, Macbeth, has told us "To be or not to be? That is the question." Too many souls ponder this It should not be a question- just be
**** it all, I can't handle to think Love is blind If that happens to be true I'm sure I'll send love where it's not needed
And worst of all I hate the lie we tell: I can't survive without you Then how on earth were we living in the past? And perhaps then, the big question to be: Can I go back?