Greedy, prideful, arrogant, disrespectful, lazy and petty that’s exactly what you are!! When I see you I get Anxious, frustrated, annoyed, awkward and insecure! I'm so justified against your filth but I can't escape the shadows of your 7 billion replicas! It's never me it's always you and that’s the way the world runs. But Why???? OOPs a question against the Ego. To late to reverse my lips for the antidote was injected upon my inquiry...Truth.....This whole time I’ve been the object and the subject! I'm a MIRROR! I hated you because I hated me! My inner reflection appeared in a different face and I wouldn't allow myself to make the connection! It was just to painful....Now I see dimly but a lot clearer...I see a token of my self....please allow me a moment to cry.......We are all mirrors for each other! We Reflect deeper images of our identities in the places our carnal sense simply fail. Each reflection upon a reflection provides an individual a deeper meaning of their unique image. Each interaction gives us the chance to grow. The catch is that growing is awfully painful and terrifying so we reject it. These reflected internal images dwarf the limited physical realm that only dies with our bodies. "We who are many" (Romans 12:5) in reflection are all attached into one single body created for eternity in the ultimate reflection of God. "Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12..............Peace and righteous action starts with the claiming of our painful and sinful reflections that we see in others............