The House is quiet as everyone sleeps a normal night in a happy home. On an estate that has seen no trouble dogs bark cats screech foxes whine. In the dark faint footsteps approach up their path a figure does approach. Inside the central heating pipes creak their pet labrador snores contently. roused by movement of the door flap then the pungent odour of petrol. A lit piece of rag ignites the first flame the arsonist runs away who was to blame. Acrid smoke quickly sets off the alarm but not before it permeates upstairs. Silently like a winter fog becoming dense the children awake coughing and crying. Mum choking opens her eyes and tries to rise the roar of the fire a total surprise. Realising they were all in one bedroom the kids had crept into bed once more. Her husband groaned he was not easy to wake luckily the fire brigade were near by. Each one safely rescued as the fire was quelled onto each other they tightly held. Seconds later their dog was brought out safe but the house was totally gutted. In the shadows somebody watched the scene a burning grudge had not been fulfilled. This was not finished it blended into the scene shocked each knowing what could have been. The danger had not passed what was the truth in reality this terrifying act happens too often. Unable to resolve disagreements or pure hate complexities of the mind create a disturbing state. THe Foureyed Poet.