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Dec 2013
Late at night like this,
I crave cigarettes.
I don't smoke,
Although, I think it might calm my nerves.

Late at night like this,
I want to walk around outside.
I want to see the lights,
Look at the sky
And not be afraid of the danger of strangers.
I want to embrace the beauty in them.

Late at night like this,
I crave a guy beside me.
To hold me
And kiss me
And be consumed by the warmth of his body.

Late at night like this,
I crave the freedom
That only friends and the open road
Have to offer.

I don't get these things
So instead, I lay here starting at the ceiling,
My heart heavy
My body numb
And my soul empty.
Alexandra Gutierrez
Written by
Alexandra Gutierrez
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