Over push the current and you cause a rapid…Over push the current and you create a dam…don’t push the current and cause the drought….. Trust it only needs a clear loving nudge and then let it choose it’s path…easier said then done but finally patience shows that even the white water settles in gentle pools along the path….The fawn returns to quench thirst and the flutter of the robin will dance in your stomach…Hope is what I’m rowing and when this current finally settles, is it not clarity that we fish for? Gentle waters prove a new challenge because even the slightest ripple distorts the reflection…..and hasn’t reflection been everything on this journey? On the contrary the ravine is about finding intention and the reflection is merely the vague bucket used to draw on these deep waters of the soul…let the fawn sip until she is ready and with her eyes you will witness clarity feast over the silence of beauty…..Faith…Hope and Love….that’s the idea…… no matter the outcome everlasting Love will be the bounty of the unconditional ………………..Jesus