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Dec 2013
Dec. 20th, a whole month is nearly gone in the blink of an eye and I didn’t even realize it, a ******* year has flown past without me even knowing. I loved the glow of your eyes in the dark car, I was just melting in your hands and you hadn’t even touched me, hearing you talk so animated, and so vibrant and alive, you aren’t even a ******* color but if you were you would be a brilliant mixture of reds and oranges in the setting sky, setting everything alight with nervous energy in your path. You were such a unique person, you totally caught me off guard, I wasn’t the cocky party girl I usually was, you were so full of life and I was a mere observer of the beauty you held inside of you. I was so star struck by your personality, but that was my mistake, romanticizing you, mistaking that short glimpse of you, for the whole entire you. I would have followed you anywhere, taken any chance to be with you, held you when you felt like ****, made you tea and tried my best to get a laugh out of you. I wanted to be your best lover, and when we kissed your lips felt like home, what actually rips out my heart is, you said I was something special, you gave me so much happiness, I’d never felt better. You made me feel like I truly meant something to someone for once in my life, and when I gave you the last remaining piece of me, you just took and took and took, you never gave me the slightest piece of you. I wanted you to say something to make me stay. You just let me walk away, like after all you had said to me, I was still nothing but another dumb girl, reduced to a mere speck of dust.
Kat payne
Written by
Kat payne  Louisiana
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