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Dec 2013
you said you were "never good enough for anyone"
which really annoyed me actually
because you haven't seemed to notice
how very perfect you are to me.

You are like a loaded gun
triggering butterflies in my stomach
the second you shoot your smile into the room
sending my heart into havoc.

when you look at me its worse.
your eyes puzzle me, sometimes grey, then blue
speaking things that are maybe just me fantasizing
but they look tender and caring, just like you

when you hug me is the real problem
I feel so safe and content and warm
even though my heart is racing and
the butterflies are becoming a swarm

don't ever say you "aren't good enough"
maybe you should open those beautiful eyes
and please just simply realize
you are more than good enough for me.

Evie Young
Written by
Evie Young  England
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