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Dec 2013
There’s no love sated
In one man, one woman
It flows unabated
For endless span!

In life she had seven husbands
But love with her is buried where her tomb stands
Many more might have come to her life
The lady she’s known as *the seven husband’s wife.

Empty would seem her heart’s treasure trove
If she had stuck to merely one love
So when tired she banished one for good
Found herself another as her soul’s food.

She searched love towards that end made attempt
But after a while grew familiarity’s contempt
Love is no water that can be held in one jerrycan
When one man was exhausted was time for another man.

Often she fell for them drawn by their exterior
Only to find afterwards their inferiority to her
All their sweet talks were hollow in every bit
Impossible was to endure their annoying habit.

Yet she didn’t cease her search for love true sublime
To bond in a relationship that would stand the test of time
But that she never found remained empty her treasure trove
She passed from one man to the other not found real love.

The seven men that failed her in love she ended their term
For they unbeknownst to them had caused her fatal harm
By not fulfilling her cherished goal not being loving husband
*Leaving her with no choice but with their blood to smear her hand!
At the tomb and memorial of Susanna Anna Maria (cover photo), 1809
It’s said she had married seven times and killed all her husbands as they failed her in love.
She lived in a period (18th century) when a woman couldn’t live with men without marriage.
Pradip Chattopadhyay
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