I feel like I should be more bothered By the current amount of debt I’m in And my desperate need for more income. But my anxiety can only be blamed On another loss faced And what you’ve all left behind. It was too heavy, I get it, And I know that I’m small, But you’d be amazed at the weight I can carry. Instead of asking for a favor, You doubled the weight and you threw it at us. You didn’t care how heavy it felt To anyone but yourself. Wherever you are, don’t ******* me, There’s no heaven and there’s no hell But wherever you ended up, I hope you retained your conscience And I hope you’re shown the mess you made. I don’t know if ghosts sleep or not, But you better find a new late night hobby. You’re taking up the room in my skull That should be rented out to something else Like the student loans I owe, The fact that I drive a beater, The fact that I still live at home. If I could choose, I’d decide to rid myself Of any anxiety to cross my mind But my brain’s not wired like that. You’ve made it impossible to focus On the present. I should be awake at night worrying About my future Not our past, or where you’re at Or why you’d just up and leave. Forget it, I'll never say that I hate you, Because then I'd have to also admit That you don’t mean a thing to me And we both know I’d be lying through my teeth.