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Dec 2013
Its as if you have been captured
by a terrifying but manipulating beast
and every time you begin to escape
its suffocating grasp
it secures you in its hands once again

It gets to the point
where you become so tired of trying
you stop
what's the point?
it is stronger than you are

You're so tired, the idea of putting in an effort
to escape the evil clutch of this pain
seems an impossible concept
all you want to do is rest
rest until one day, the beast will pass
dragging your soul along behind it

You become so used to the pain
sometimes you unravel your skin
with a blade crafted from iron
just to convince yourself that you can still feel
some sort of hurt, because the beast has battered you
so severely, you are certain you can no longer feel a thing

Or we cause harm in other ways
creating bruises instead of cuts, or fierce burn marks
as a way of trying to seek help, as the beast will not let us ask
in anyway other way, he has banished our voices, our sense of self
and to break the spell, first we have to break free
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