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Dec 2013
I am such a disgrace,
I don't feel like showing my ugly face.
I am sorry for whatever I said,
I am sorry for whatever I did.
With you every time I fought,
These were never the things I was taught.
It's all me , all my mistake,
I have kept everything at stake.
I deserve this, yes I do,
But all that I feel is  actually true.
I am just a creepy creature,
Who no longer deserves to live.
But death won't come that easy for me,
For I need to feel the misery.
I wanna go far away,
No one wants me to stay .
They are just so right,
I don't have the  strength to fight .
I will go soon I will,
When my soul would wander and my body would be still.
Written by
Nikita  chandigarh
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