The slow trickle behind my bedroom wall, alerts me to a subtle call.
" save me from this cell." But I cannot risk my sanity o'er my mind's concocted hell. "Please... please... I miss life all too well." Says I, "Do not stir me demon, my soul is not to sell."
I wrap the sheets around my ears and focus hard to sleep, But a rest was not deserved for the demon craved to leap.
"I smell blood! I smell blood! Like the sweetest rose-bud!"
Says I, "I smell nothing fiend! You are only dreamed! No reality in this is seen."
A chortle laugh is known just then while my walls begin to creak. A drop of blood falls on my chest and grants a chilling shriek.
"Is it too late for reality to change its mind and let me die?" The crimson stain upon my ceiling has deemed my end is nigh.
"Do you hear me? Do you hear me? Are you yet so vain?" Says I, "I am not! I am not! Do cause me no more pain!"
A sharp crack of thunderous tempered toil rips a chasm through my soul. The trickle, trickle, trickle, to sleep will never lull.
"Do you hear it? Do you see it? Do you envy all the dead?" "I smell blood! I smell blood! But out gushes YOUR blood instead!"
And then a scream of biting hatred breaks the silence through. The stain pours blood upon my room while tempest's force ensues.