i seek a fresh page on which i may be written a new palate upon which the landscape of this soul may be inked i dreamt i stand here on the edge of night looking out over the vast empty parking lot of some nameless something-mart a single piece of paper walks with a slow wind across the desert of pavement i turn and leave walking down a tree lined street only streetlights and silent empty cars only the night noise of suburbia a television sound of gunfire and laughter a dog whispering loudly of his intents to be free of whatever chain that binds him to his unfriendly fate i walk for hours it seems marvelling at the stillness of suburbia's intense isolations walking from pool of streetlight to pool of streetlight i finally come to a stop benith one silence nothing beyond this place is real i ask aloud of the meanings of these things and a friends voice from a long ago conversation says "one of these things are not like the others..." and he fades away back into the past and he takes the dream with him i wake slowly to the sounds of a empty apartment i walked out on my lover i am alone it is not a dream and one of these things is just like all the rest of the things that don't fit in round holes
revised version, removed the last few lines...now its ok