You mean more to me than any word, poem, or lyric, whether it was written by me or by Poe himself, could ever convey. The principle of "actions speaking louder than words" could never be emphasized enough when it comes to love. Writing love poems is as effortless as breathing for me. It sounds as though I am trying to dim any previous feelings I’ve felt for another, but if those feelings were still an issue you would see them in the way I now carry myself around that person, the tones of my voice when I now speak of that person, not in the way I had previously written about that person. I write for the sake of writing most times.
Anyone can write a love poem for anyone- about anyone- to anyone. I don’t want that to be what we are all about: words. I want to love you with my actions. I want to love you with my silences. I want you to know that it is not in my poems that my true affections can be seen but in my glances and in my gestures. Love, I don’t want you to be my muse; I just want you to be mine. Sincerely yours,