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Dec 2013
The past is the time that we have lived already; the times we've made our mistakes and the times we've created memories.

The past is the time that doesn't last.

We only know how important it was after it's done.
But why can't we just realize the good things while they're happening?
If we could freeze time, everything would turn out perfectly.

Our past consists of many moments we reminisce of, but those moments wouldn't have happened without some people.

The people we create bonds and friendships with, and if you're lucky you'll create the most amazing friendship with one person; and you never know, but that person might just end up being your hero.
You'll love everything about them; their smile, their personality, their words or even their voice.
You'll share your interests such as songs, poems or even just whatever makes you H.A.P.P.(Y)
These people are the people that you would do anything for.
You would do whatever it takes just to make them happy.
And this person would give up their happiness just to see you smile.
I guess my point is: memories would not be made without the people who mean the world to us.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life and how it's turning out, all I'm saying is that I think it's okay to re-live those moments that gave you butterflies and shivers.

So take the risks;
ask that person to dance at the school dance,
tell that person how you really feel about them,
make pacts so that you know your friendship will last forever.

Take the risks, before it's too late.

They say "you can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one"
But the truth is, I don't know if I'm ready to let go of the past, and frankly, I don't know if I ever will be.
not my best poem, I was just reminiscing the past for a while and felt like I needed to get my feelings out.
It's okay if you keep remembering the past, nobody can tell you to let go because ultimately it's your decision and if you forget about all the good times, then will you be left with any good memories?
Sarah Antilope
Written by
Sarah Antilope  Canada
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