I cry at the fraility of mortality I accept all must pass Anything is possible at any time Thus awareness is key
Unlock the door Storm the houses Take captive the machinery of maya And take a match to the floors Let the house of austerity go up in smoke May the winds of Nature blow the cloud away from overhead May the shadows be cast into the light
Hoy es hoy Ayer ya paso Y manana nunca muestran su Asi que hoy es la vida Hoy es todo Hoy es el Cielo Hoy es el infierno Percepcion Circunstancia
Enviar mis saludos a los angeles caidos de antano Que sus almas se ilumino con dulce alivio a la luz del sol de oro de ser eterno La manana del Cielo Se realizo hoy en la Tierra
That sweet release comes but once a lifetime And once it comes, the revelation Cannot be shared with others - Each body, each soul Must experience it for themselves... And at that moment, all shall be known But until then, we must make comfort and peace our objectives Why rush? Enjoy the ride