As minds expand and bodies grow old, Time stands still and the story unfolds - Of cosmic chance and wicked dance, The winds of light bow and blow
With clocks turning hands, Illusion grabs hold Eyes deceive And hearts behold - What is that which makes up a lifetime?
In the lands of snakes and vines Life echos the truths of chance Opportunity laughs aloud, Inside the empty halls of mind. The sun circles itself madly, Searching for a reason, But reason stands afar laughing, Holding schizophrenia as a charm And the wounds of war as gems. Reason baffles the logic, Of Jesus freaks and scientists alike. Reason scares children Like the very notion of having to die. But of all the ages that reason has stood apart From the existence that it is reasoning for, Reason has been proud of its complexity - An endless enigma for inquiring minds. Reasonβs ego is the size of the universe, And one can only laugh drunkenly At the pathetic excuse for hiding For reason is within itself, As clear as glass or rain - It shines its love through seasons And galaxies and prophets - It shares itself through music and drugs It reaps nothing but folly - Evolved from boredom on the astral plane.
Reason is but a word, for something that speaks no sound The word is a name for that which holds no form The word is as fleeting as time Like youth gone old, or the old gone young - Life is far too short to find a reason So why not have a little fun? Madness is nothing short of genius - Altered perspective on insanity of Man, And comprehension of the absurd reality That persists in the world of form. Madness is a celebration of life. As the clouds rain from above, In a ballet of syncopated Nature - Rhythm in scenery - Desert home to thoughts - Seeing through a lens of truth Out to the illusory fleeting center of experience Laugh, laugh, laugh - for laughing is all there is to do. Nothing is more serious than anything else.