How horrible is it to love something that can die Yet how devastating is it to love something that can die By your touch
It will wither into nothingness And slip through the cracks of your hands As a tear sheds
He stands there with the sun in his hands No longer breathing. No longer existing, But the fragile beating heart is still heard
A tear should not be shed from these hands Or it will burn the face Of bones
He has so many appointments To keep track of, but enough time To look around. He sees the world as darkness and the wounded as light. The power filled people as fire Burning everything to quickly
But there was one. He saw innocence in her Even though she was wounded covered in scars. He fell in love
Watching from afar He grew a desire to meet her. He followed her like a sunflower follows the sun She was the sun, his whole world. His heart was Beating thunder every time he saw her.
He never knew this but his next appointment was her. Trying to save her life. He touched her. She fell. The sun began to wither into nothingness and so did his heart As she slept in his arms not waking up He shed a tear. It carved a wound on his face A memory of love that can't be forgotten
Although he is made of bones His small black heart still beats of love For the woman who shined.