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Aug 2010
I gingerly place my hands on your silk back
as you climb aboard the
but is this right?
is this

What is True?
why does my gentle heart flutter at the thought
of your
on top of mine?

Will you stop me?
will you help me save my honor?
I can only be so chivalrous
my steed can only gallop so many miles

Why does my wicked mind turn to the image
of you
with roundβ€”bare
eyes staring into mine
as our lips
in a Loving embrace?

I wishβ€”
I wish to walk side by side
with you
along the ocean shore
a beautiful bay steed for us both
I want that to be reality

Deep in my lifeforce
I only desire to defend you
with my mystical sword
for I have no desire to wield my organic sword
it has the power to betray and harm
as it did for Lancelot

Should the spirits take me
will you stop and assist me
in maintaining my honor?
if they take us both
shall we fall off the Edge of the World?
shall we approach the Gates of Oblivion
along the shores of Acheron and Styx?

Why must my mind and heart be
in constant warfare?  
the Barbarians against the Gallant Knights.
whom shall win?
My knights are indeed heroic
but the base passions of the barbarians
give keenness to their axes and spears

And what about you milady?
will you stop yourself
my honor?
I pray that you will kiss me
and Love shall take
along a pleasant path.
but - forgive me
I cannot
you yet.

I long for the day when I can
Your hands
as you smile into my eyes
not as a lover
but as a
(c) Scott Lasley  9/25/09
Written by
Scott Lasley
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