There isn’t anything I don’t love about winter The cold air The frozen ground The painted sky And you, next to me Wearing layers, making us look three times our normal size And the snow, that is, if you’re lucky enough to get snow The lingering presence of happiness in the air And the sound the ice on the ground makes when you step on it Pale faces and rosy cheeks And the burning of your hands when you go inside And the idea that every single snowflake that falls Is not like the other And yet, they’re all beautiful And those mornings when the sky looks like the shiny ombré pattern On some dumb t-shirt of a 12-year-old girl Who isn’t quite ready to grow up just yet Who enjoys the cold air and the frozen ground And who loves the snow oh so much And sees the beauty in its flakes And is devastated when winter ends Because everything must come to an end Much like this poem