Does it hurt? Yes it does But space is not a bad thing It was going to happen eventually, so better now than later
Was I hurt by some of the things you said?Β Yes I was Being told once again that I care too much That I have made my significant other "uncomfortable" because I care Yeah, that hurts But you're right, I was giving you a lot of my time I got a little derailed and forgot what I was doing
So space right now is not a bad thing I feel I am doing right by letting you breathe on your own for a while Giving you a chance to figure things out Cause God knows I want that too And all I can pray for is that you find what you're looking for in these next few days And that you don't stop adoring me That having this alone time This time to meditate and regenerate Will only make us stronger
I'm sorry your bewildered and confused Everything happened so fast! It's all apart of growing up and growing in a relationship Discovering the lines that shouldn't be crossed Finding the words to say when you're upset And realizing that there is no waiting for a good time to have a serious talk It's now or never
It's not over yet, we're ok Just overwhelmed and tangled