The cross- a significant symbol of Christianity Where JESUS was crucified to save humanity. It matters not where you’re from If you believe in GOD- then you believe in his son.
They spoke of him long before his existence That he was on the way And to him the world would pray.
Lands, and the earth, and people have changed But one thing remains the same. The faith , the belief in GOD above For he is the one true love.
Men trying to rule other men for power and glory But this was just part of the story. They wanted to conquer all nations And they killed without hesitation.
They traveled by land and sea And did not care about humanity. Silver, gold, diamonds , and pearls This is what made their world.
Then the poor, the humble, the meek Needed strength for they was weak. A prophet told the people that he saw a vision Of angels coming down from the skies That would affect all mankind. Every day for centuries they awaited his arrival Their faith gave them the strength For their survival.
Rome had become the strongest of nations And this is where they would find salvation. GOD would lead the Jews to the promised land For the holding of his people was out of hand. This was the turning point to Christianity And all the miracles made for the world to see. So if you believe in GOD then you should know Through his son is the way to go.