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Dec 2013
How did you manage to open up my closed-up heart? Did you not notice the big bold red "SOLD" sign bolstered to the door?

Or did you perhaps slip in through one of the windows?

And why did you simply ignore the contents thereof? Did fate lead you to the empty little room at the back? Away from the clutter and noise that my life has stored?

That is my favourite room, you know. My little "getaway". Little did I know that on that day "getting away" meant running straight into your arms.

I resisted at first, of course . . The familiarity of the room was replaced by your presence. . . by the unexpected familiarity of you . . .

And day by day I would return to that haven, and still, you were there, waiting.. until you became such a part of my daily routine that I stopped resisting and started looking forward to my stolen moments of "solitude".

I can hardly remember the days without you in it . . and that room would seem awfully empty and lonely without you.

Please stay!
© Annilda Esterhuysen. All rights reserved.
Annilda Esterhuysen
Written by
Annilda Esterhuysen  South Africa
(South Africa)   
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