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Nov 2013
Horizons empty.
Oh how has the sun been squandered !
My lust for the simple,
has left me to wander.

Times and places
that no man has faced yet.
Bountiful fruits of fortune,
seem all but tasteless.

Hurricanes tore away
the sheath of love.
Helpless and lost
my eyes seek the way above.

Cold and resolute,
the weather akin to this demeanor.
Heaven would bare witness,
had I seen a temptation more cleaner.

Lands of my forefathers,
abandoned for new direction.
Mind beginning to question
all that was hidden under the fold of discretion.

Mountains and moors,
miles and miles of terrain.
Roads that I'd never take
now bear my own name.

Mind breeding wanderlust;
Heart seeking answers such,
question to which never exist
a will to ask always does.
Suhaib Tariq
Written by
Suhaib Tariq  Karachi, Pakistan
(Karachi, Pakistan)   
   ---, Leseywut, ---, Rob Rutledge and Md HUDA
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