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Nov 2013
I’m falling off this rock
There’s not enough gravity left

I stood on the wrong side, too close to the edge
Now, I’m falling, fare me well

We didn’t pay all our bills to God
Not insured enough, walk and run and trip and fall

So, now.         kaput!
Save this crazy lifetime in a warped bottle

Which soon will crack for all its solar scrutiny
Insulate the bold things you can never have on stained glass fuzzy print

A half eaten apple sitting on a dusty cloud still has that deified eye planted on it
Globes are lit in insolence on mossy beds

Dreams in armour pick up tell tale signs of cooing sounds very far away
An autumn landscape falls upon the face on a knight whose real name is you

A cruciform gift embedded in a rock only the worthy can retrieve
A lump of coal burns in steady flickers within the palm of hand

Hop out bowl and try to fly, yet land four seconds short of truth
Hiding beneath a rude rainbow and peeping out at striker rays

Cells squirm and turn, ready to burst out soma

And a sky stretches on and on, like a dicey waterfall in ******

One photo snap and it’s all gone!

tonight I watch it come alive at ten to midnite

recalled clues illumine yet don't show all
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