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Nov 2013
Every time I read what you first said to me,
I get so ridiculously confused,
Because you already knew I was talking to people,
You knew I'd been
Getting help from the people I'd been talking to.

I said it to your face on a Friday evening outside the building,
When you and I talked about everything,
"I'm talking to Person X and she's helping me a lot"
"I've been talking to Person Y too, she seems to understand"
You went inside to give Person X a hug for "doing a good job"

Unprompted, a message:
"Hey, it's me. I've been told that you keep messaging my friends and
I haven't had the heart to message you back. You need to move on from me."

Let me tell you something,
What you did was horrible.
If your message was warranted, okay
But it wasn't, like I don't know what the hell you're believing
"I've been told that you keep messaging"

What bull, who did you hear it from?
How great of you to move on and protect your friends, the ones you said "Feed you sh*t"
What the hell were you protecting
The chance that I'd start feeling better?

I found a huge friend in Person X
I'd been friends for years with Person Y.
Everyone else had jack squat to do with you
Except that girl that works with you
Who I asked to tell you "HELLO" and that "I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL"

Who were your mysterious friends
Those friends I "kept messaging"
Why did you treat me like
I was annoying all your friends
Because what hurt me more than you

Was that you acted

Like I'm a liar
Sam Conrad
Written by
Sam Conrad
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