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Nov 2013
The moment you begin to believe in yourself will be a moment of pure elation.

The moments immediately following, in which you will begin to vocalize your newly acquired beliefs, will cause everyone that you love (who, coincidentally, were the very same people that had wanted so badly for you to believe in yourself in the first place) to instantly choose their own beliefs over yours.

Following the aforementioned occurrence wherein you began to vocalize your beliefs, you will make (what will appear to everyone that you love to be) unforgettable/unforgivable mistakes. Please, keep in mind that their beliefs will forever supersede your own, which, when vocalized through your own mouth hole, will always appear to be vain and narcissistic in nature.

Your mistakes will then be completely disregarded by your own mind in pursuance of its intrinsic urge to afford you the relief/belief that you are a "good" person, thereby completely trivializing the aforementioned moment wherein you had begun to believe in yourself.

At this point you may or may not be imbued with a great "ah-ha" moment of clarity in which you will discover that your knowledge of "good", as well as theirs, has the very real possibility of being incorrect. If such an "ah-ha" moment does graciously permeate itself within you, you will grow acutely aware of the fact that your knowledge is, and always has been, a choice. You were the only one with the ability to choose the knowledge that you keep, as well as the things you have remained ignorant of.

You will then, and only somewhat facetiously, wish that you had chosen to remain ignorant of love.

After great trepidation and by making many more mistakes, you will come to find that "true" love does, in fact, exist. Begrudgingly, you willΒ then begin to accept that the existence of "true" love is something "society" refers to as a "harsh" truth. A truth of this nature will not be able to be explained to anybody who does not believe in the possibility of its existence.

In situations wherein you will try to explain your personal perception of "true" love to another member of "society", you will be met with either: a perplexed expression of non-understanding, or, a subtle nod of solemn comprehension.

You will fall in the truest of loves with those who subtly nod.

Slowly, you will begin to notice that love, in the abstract sense, lies within the core of all "art". It will seem to you that the goal of any "true" "artist" is to describe something that is inherently indescribable.

You will then choose to either: try (in valiant vain) to describe that which cannot be described or, to simply appreciate the works of "art" that surround you.

You will subtly nod at beautiful paintings that will remind you of those you have subtly nodded towards.

You will subtly nod along with songs that remind you of those who have subtly nodded at you.

You should know now that you will learn all of these things in your own time.

In your own way.
James Medley
Written by
James Medley  29/M/Purgatory
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