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Nov 2013
I feel so useless,
so unappreciated,
over looked by most people.
Its like they dont notice the little things I do or say,
When I scream, no one looks,
Its like im a ghost in this crowded room.
Even when I act out, no one gets angry,
at the words I say.
police brutality.
no humanity.
Its like the weak are left alone but strong never grow.
seeing my reflection in a clear pool,
but not recognizing why I am here.
But when I say out loud im not happy,
all of a sudden im left alone,
but when I smile im flooded by hands
trying to grab on to my soul.
A man may drink, but not get drunk.
He may fight, but he may not loose.
Welcomed back with flowers and screams,
but no one really knows why he is back
and when he says goodnight.
its alright.
because every one thinks that goodnight doesnt mean goodbye
Liesel-Rose Stafford
Written by
Liesel-Rose Stafford  pretoria, south africa
(pretoria, south africa)   
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