Well I for one am happy The sadness creeps into an abyss It cannot reach me when I am with you It will be forever true Shakespeare spoke "I have rather loved and lost than to have never loved at all." Those are the words embedded in my heart and mind But I would also rather be in love than despair And for you have granted me such a courtesy
I even used to doubt my knowledge of love But I realize it doesn't matter For love does not know age and for it does not know mine So in truth I could know all As long as I am with someone Someone who can keep the dark away And the roses, sunshine and happiness immortal
You've known me for as long as anyone And we were friends before and now still One wise old woman told me that you cannot love what you do not know And the same goes for hate In sense you have to know truly know someone And how can you know anyone better than you know your friends
You were there after the first heartbreak The one that ruined it all I couldn't bear trying trying to keep something up like that again And for a long time I couldn't Nothing of meaning or note But that is why I am happy You were not my first but my second kiss I couldn't bear to hurt you then For I was in no shape for a relationship One so meaningful With you So I am entirely thankful that you were and have always been one of my best friends