Overthinking while i was driving to WalMart, didn't feel good, worried and sad. My life is not good, and been fighting forever to make it good.
I walked to the store, saw a couple with thier kid putting the stuff in a basket basket, so i thanked God i had a CART.
heard a kid crying, his mom was shutting his mouth, he wanted a toy, but she couldn't tell him that she didn't have enough money to buy it, cuz he wouldn't understand, so i thanked God i dont have to deal with such a situation.
Two young couples were trying to find the cheapest diapers, so they have enough money to buy milk for the kid, so i thanked God i am not them.
A very huge guy was trying to find the best bills for loosing wieght, so i thanked God i never been there.
A young guy was driving the elctronic cart cuz he couldn't walk on his feet, so i thanked God i can.
A young girl asked her mom if walmart has mattreses cuz she was tired of sleeping on the couch, so i thanked God i sleep in a mattres.
People were waiting their names to be called by the pharmasist, so i thanked God am not waiting.
A man was getting his glass cuz he can't see well, so i thanked God i can see perfectly and i dont have to wear one.
A customer was yelling at the cashier, and the cashier couldn't say a word to save his job, so i thanked God i am not him.
A man's card was diclined, mine wasn't.
A lady and her daughter were waiting for a ride in the cold weather, so i thanked God i had a ride.
I put the bags in the trunk, and thought of what i saw, i cried and prayed for everyone to be happy, get what they want, and be able to deal with life.
I don't have what they have, and they don't have what i have, no one is better than the other, but someone is satisfied of what they have, and the other isn't.