I feel like sumi ink running down a wet media paper Like I’m getting ****** up into its fiber Before I ever had the chance to make the right mark
I feel like a tear that has been wiped away It pushed from a cheek to swift, in hope haste would make Feelings wash away, before they have time to settle Be recognized for their real self, their actual impact
I feel like a under developed painting that wants to be an original But has been put under too much pressure To feel free enough to make an original mark
I feel like a statement that wants be made But only finds things that have earned titles as cliché
I feel like a book that has been put down and forgot before You ever got to the good parts
I am a heart wrenching sob and tear streaked cheeks I am a sumi ink layered in perfect complexity and visual texture I am original, authentic,and the best book you haven’t read yet I am full of good endings, beginnings and all in-betweens I am, I will be, stop trying to rush the ending