It is my vicious flaw That I cannot stand people Who cannot stand the truth. I remind myself that not everyone has Titanium bones, Not everyone knows That they all could. Not everyone has decided that They hate being the victims of a sadistic world. Not everyone Will understand that words of objection from a friend Are not shrapnel Not everyone will know That they can only be forgiven if they are Held Responsible.
Forgiveness lives in your own heart And when you deny your sins You condemn yourself. Once she (her, Her, HER.) whispered to me That she thought hell was in the mind, And heaven too. And that in the last moment of life The brain created a sort of eternal second, A breath for everyone else But an infinity for the dying, And provided Whatever reward or punishment they themselves thought they deserved. I don't aim to please. Sometimes I aim To save... But
I suppose not everyone Needs to be enlightened.
Still, I just cannot stand People who cannot stand the truth, And perhaps it makes me wretched That I do not try to change this, But part of me is Unashamed.